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Operation We Care
1 St. Ann Drive #8542
Mandeville, La. 70470
(985) 892-9700

TAX ID #20-0139687
Registered 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization

Robert H. Burns
American Legion Post 16
P.O. Box 1137
Covington, La. 70434

Remember This War is NOT Over Until All of Our Men and Women Come Home!

This is not about politics - it doesn't matter if you like or dislike the President, agree or disagree with the war, our military has to do their job! And it's our duty,as FREE US Citizens, to help support our troops!

As of December 2024 we have sent this year.
Boxes 543
Pillows 41
King Cakes 100
Postage $12,215

Since we started in 2003 totals are
Boxes 40,228
Postage $466,082

We are a group of Family and Friends of local Military personel and feel that we need to help make their deployment a little more comfortable in this 130 degree temperature plus environment!
We send them items that they have requested.

Some Packages Ready For ShipmentAdd your loved one to our care package recipient list here.

When we stand together, we can make a difference! This can't be done by one or just a few people but when you are united with your community - miracles happen!

People Want to Help - They Just Don't Know How! Reach Out and ASK, you'll be so surprised!

This type of Support Group is duplicable in every City, Town across the USA! Ask us how you can start a group of your own in your City and we'll be happy to advise you.


YOU ALONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE... You can be personally responsible for making it a little more comfortable by donating items for Care Packages or making a donation.

We are Packing Care Packages on the 
2nd Wednesday of every month!

Come join us at
Units 3065 & 3066
 8:00 am
For more information
Call BRENDA OGDEN, President 985-892-9700
SUSAN SCHAEFER, Secretary 985-778-1003
COLLEEN SMITH, Public Relations 985-960-3850 (Slidell)

Become a Member Today

A Taste of New Orleans
For Our Troops

We want to send 100 king cakes to our precious troops.
Randazzo's Camelia City Bakery king cakes.
The cost is $40 for cakes and shipping. Any amount is appreciated.
We are still collecting postage for our monthly packages.
Any amount is deeply appreciated.